.1 Welcome

Click on one of the links above to find books in the category of your choice.

Ethics is the careful study of right and wrong. None of the books featured here will give you easy answers to hard questions. But the best of them will help you to explore complicated issues more carefully, and to assure that you’ve looked at such issues from every angle.

This “bookstore” doesn’t aim to be comprehensive. There are thousands of books on ethics out there, and I’ve listed only a few of them. My aim is to provide a small selection of high-quality books so that newcomers to the topic can select a book with some degree of assurance. If you have questions, let me know.

If you don’t find what you need, here, you can click on this Amazon icon to search Amazon’s entire catalog:

In Association with Amazon.com

The EthicsWeb Bookstore is an Amazon-affiliated store. It has been edited and managed by me (Chris MacDonald, Ph.D.,) for the last decade or so. It does not seek to be comprehensive. Instead, it offers a selection of books in each of several areas of ethics, along with a search function.

Most of the books listed on the topical pages above are ones I’m personally familiar with. A few are ones recommended to me by people I trust. All of them are reputable, professional works with a solid reputation. This site also has a blog (see postings at upper right). There I post links to other people’s reviews of ethics-related books.

Purchases made through this store generate a trickle of revenue that helps defray the cost of running my various ethics-related websites and blogs. I definitely don’t make a profit at this.

If you have comments or questions, feel free to email me.